Hello there,
Finally we had ample sunshine today,thankfully. I wore this dress for brunching, easter egg hunt & movie ( Beauty & the beast ) with family. It was so fun.I yearn for these moments all the time. It was an Easter egg hunt, our bad we only found two eggs ,all were already gone. Isn’t it adorable to see them smile? We sopped at our favorite restaurant “True food” and of course we ate our heart out.You should definitely try out that place ,if you haven’t .
This lovely dress is sun friendly plus its shoulder bearing, lacey and perfect length. I have a soft corner for lace because its so feminine & my heart beats for white. You can never go wrong with white.Don’t forget to accessorize with floppy hat & tassel earings.
Between,what are you doing on Easter?
Happy days are here again!
xo, Anki