Hello Mommies & Daddies
Greetings from San Francisco! Today,I am going to share recipe of old fashioned ice pops that might help you to deal with picky eater like my lil Siya. Honestly, I never tried something like this but I was excited to try this out for her.I have tried many grocery places but honestly,I have perfected the recipe at home to make it just how she likes it. If you like berries try it out. Now! This recipe is rich in fresh fruit, fruit juice that would help in getting antioxidants ,minerals ,vitamins in their diet. This is to go snack for both of us nowadays.
Its so yummy that you’ll not keep your hands off it.
Here you go,
Serves 4
1 cup strawberries
1 cup blueberries
1 cup rasberries
1 tablespoon honey to taste
.75 cup fresh orange juice
1/2 teaspoon fresh mint minced
4 Zipzicle pouches availablehere
How to:
Wash fruit and slice strawberries. Place in blender with remaining ingredients. Blend until fruit is in small pieces but not entirely smooth .Using a large mouth funnel fill pouches to line indicated. Zip closed and freeze. Enjoy!
P.S.-Feel free to alter recipe with any fruit you wish. Seasonal fruits are amazing.
( Great for teething tots ,it will soothe their gums)
Also before you go, can I steal 2 more minutes of you time? Thanks for stopping by, I read each and every one of your comments and they seriously make my day!
xo, Anki